Saturday, August 5, 2017

Too Much Evidence Against Evolution

I have realized, after observing how persons and other things in nature act towards each other, that the concept of evolution is absolutely 100 percent impossible. Even if it were possible, it would STILL require the 100 percent approval of God Almighty. Yes, there is a God (ONE God), despite all the so-called "scientific conclusions" that a Godless scientific community has come to.

If there really is such a thing as evolution, why on earth did God inspire 40 men, over a period of two thousand years, to write a FAKE book, just to throw everyone off? What we have here is pure blasphemy against God. You cannot believe in two kinds of beginnings. By the way, the evolutionists have no "beginning." 
They simply say, "billions of years ago," while the creationists have something to point to, for example: "In the beginning GOD created the heavens and the earth." 
There is not so much as even a mention, or one single humble recognition of any kind of God or intelligence in the evolutionist's version of "how it all happened." The evolutionist has no room whatsoever for God, yet without God, they would never exist to defend their theory in the first place. The evolutionary community is very selfish and deceptive. 

The biggest problem with evolution is that it is one absolute LIE. There is zero chance, either scientifically or physically, that 100 percent nothing could somehow produce 100 percent something. There is no such thing as nothing. The human mind cannot begin to comprehend such a thing. The implication of "nothing," were there such a thing, means that there really IS nothing, not even God, but there you have a huge problem. The Bible tells us that, "without him was not anything made, that was made," so if you take away God, you might as well cease to exist. God is the only Being that qualifies as "pre-historic," (in the Biblical use of the word), he was there before history started.

There are a whole host of words that defy evolution.
 For instance:


The Bible tells us that when Stephen, the martyr, told the Libertines and the other unbelievers, that they were sinners and were guilty of many horrendous deeds, that the listeners "were cut to the heart, and gnashed upon him with their teeth."
This can mean only one thing; that Stephen had shown them up for good. There was nothing more upsetting to them than having their pleasurable, sinful lives brought to the fore. They were without excuse. Yet Stephen, even while being stoned, cried, "God, lay not this sin to their charge," and "fell asleep."

If God used two different methods to bring me into this earth, and to bring the universe into being beforehand, then I don't want to believe, trust, or put my faith in this kind of God. How do I know whether Mary can appease his wrath or not? What do I even need to be alive for?

 Thankfully, there is a real, loving God out there, that never, ever changes, and since he sent his only begotten Son to die on the Cross for my sin, so I could have eternal life, and escape the torture and horror of Hell, then that is the God I want to serve. 
The God I want to serve is a jealous God. He is a righteous, holy, infallible God. There is not one of his judgments that is, has been, or will be, wrong. Not one. 
The God I serve, gives me strength to live every day. 
The God I serve, has power over each and every one of us.

There is a verse in God's Word which shatters every last inkling of a "missing link" for the evolutionists. It shows the absolute, everlasting power and might of a God that I am more than glad to call my Father.
"One day every knee shall bow, every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is LORD, to the glory of God the Father."

Now how about that for a future honor ceremony to God who really made us in the first place? 
There will be those who will confess, yet have died in their sins, then there will be those who had the "stupidity" to trust in that "pie in the sky" God. The latter will confess Him with unending praise. What a day that will be!

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